Download Html5 Video From Website

I am trying to download video with src url blob:https%3A//

  1. Youtube Html5 Video Player Download

Is there a process that can be followed to download all this type of videos?

Apr 12, 2013 - HTML or the Hypertext Markup Language has been used for many years for presenting any content for the World Wide Web. This is being used. How to add an ambient video background to your website in a few clicks? [Video Tutorial]. DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS DOWNLOAD FOR. To be used as a HTML5 video. Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter is a program designed to help you create videos for your website or blog that will play in web browsers compatible with HTML5, even if they don't have Adobe Flash Player installed.


4 Answers

I found a way to download the video with blob url in Vimeo (reading here i understood how doing it). I write the simple steps here.I'm using Google Chrome:

  1. Open the More ToolsDeveloper Tools
  2. Check if in the video tag there is something like this:

  3. Copy the src of the iframe tag, if any, something like if you found it you can go straight to the point 7, otherwise follow steps 4, 5, 6.
  4. Now look for this string inside the page (using the Developer View), you should found it inside a javascript function, like this:

  5. Copy the link inside the url field on a new Chrome tab, for example end open it with a browser, it will open you a json file like this:

  6. Now compose a url with your id XYZ like this:

  7. Replace blob: inside the video tag with that last url (the one created in the previous step #6).
  8. Now you will notice that magically the src field inside of the video tag changed (if it does not, try step 7 multiple times)...

  9. Use that new link to dowload it directly, it's something like this:


This answer is for Twitter URLs -

  1. Right click on the video and click Inspect Elements -

You'll find a code like this

2.Copy Paste above code in notepad++. Replace all the " with ' and / wth / in notepad++. (Use CTRL+H)

You'll get something like

From above JSON format, see the value video_url

The issue here is, after August 1st, 2016, Twitter is no longer using .mp4 videos, but converting to a new HLS, adaptive-streaming format, with a .m3u8 file extension.

.m3u8 files are basically just a text file wrapper, they are super small (300-500 bytes), and when you open them with a text editor, they contain links to different video sizes

  1. Open the file m3u8 in notepad++, it would contain code like this

EXTM3U EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=256000,RESOLUTION=180x320,CODECS='mp4a.40.2,avc1.42001f' /ext_tw_video/844504104512749568/pu/pl/180x320/_Z42SY5zwMlLdFYx.m3u8 EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=832000,RESOLUTION=360x640,CODECS='mp4a.40.2,avc1.42001f' /ext_tw_video/844504104512749568/pu/pl/360x640/-Phfjbbx2yinirLi.m3u8

  1. Copy the respective link from above as per your resolution need. Repeat the same step until you have .ts file. Download the .ts file (the video file).
Pirate XPirate X
Download Html5 Video From Website

I also had blob: URL in video/@src, but by watching Developer tools >Network during playback it turned out that video/source/@src was URL for m3u8 playlist.

An m3u8-backed video can be readily downloaded by either:

  • ffplay -i ''
  • ffmpeg -i '' -codec copy file.mkv

tl;dr - blob URL sounds like the binary you want to get but there might be easier way to get the video. Just check out Network tab in Dev tools while you play the video to see what you are actually fetching.

Vlastimil OvčáčíkVlastimil Ovčáčík

I found another way to download a video with blob url in Vimeo (see the other answer in this page).

This solution is suitable only if you want just the video without the sounds!

So, if you want to download just a Vimeo video (often without sounds), I can confirm that this Google Chrome extension works really good: Flash Video Downloader.


protected by JakeGouldDec 24 '16 at 2:24

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